Real Estate Marketing Advice Call

Make social media posts vendors actually want to view

Use the calendar below to book a 60 minute video call with Agent Social Founder & Social Media Lead Glen Moret.

Above: A video snippet from a recent call.

Above: A snippet from a recent video call.

Example topics you can ask Glen about on your call:

➡️ What to post on social media

➡️ What posts to avoid on social media

➡️ How to build a real connection with vendors online

➡️ Ideas for mobile phone videos you can film yourself

➡️ Advice on if you should do boosted posts or ads

➡️ Maximising content from open homes and auctions

➡️ How to best use Instagram Stories

➡️ Being professional vs casual on social media

➡️ Advice on video formats: landscape vs portrait

➡️ Tips on how to film video content on your own

➡️ Advice on what platforms to use or ignore

➡️ Advice on adding music to video posts and reels

About Glen Moret:

Glen has a wide range of experience in making engaging digital content, both in marketing for different real estate and property development brands and as a journalist for ABC News and BBC News.

Glen created real estate marketing agency Agent Social in 2015 and works with some of Australia’s most high-performing and high-end real estate brands and agents - managing their day to day social media posts, content and strategy.

A one-on-one video call with Glen is your opportunity to ask any questions you have about real estate social media - to help ensure you focus your time and money on content that gets you results.

Use this call to finally make social media posts that vendors will actually pay attention to!

No more copying other agent’s social media posts hoping for the best. Get ahead of the competition with advice and tips that can help make you an attraction agent so vendors call you when they want to sell their property.

Agent Reviews

This call includes:

✅ Asking Glen any real estate marketing questions

✅ Hearing about what type of content to avoid posting

✅ Learning about the best performing posts in real estate

This call doesn’t include:

❌ This is not a step by step guide on making ads or boosts

❌ This is not a social media strategy

❌ Not a training call on how to use the Instagram app

Cost: $280
Duration: 60 minutes